What is Excellence?

Meaning of Excellence:
Excellence is a talent or quality which is unusually good and so surpasses ordinary standards. It is also used as a standard of performance as measured e.g., through economic indicators.
How do we live in excellence without compromise and what do we need to do in our lives to ensure we do not fall out of His excellence?
Psalm 119:58 - “I entreat your favor with all my heart; be gracious to me according to your promise. “
Colossians 3:23-24 – “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.”
Matthew 22:37–38 – “Jesus said to him, ‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment.”
Matthew 22:39–40 – “And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”
1 Corinthians 10:31 – “Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”
When you walk daily, what is it that we need to achieve not for us but what God wants? God does not limit what He placed on us but we as humans can and will limit ourselves. God wants us to excel in who we are and in everything we do. Our excellence and character are more than ordinary. We walk with God! We live by the Word and walk in faith; we choose to be different and be EXCELLENT.
Look at the walk we face daily and all the challenges that we can face minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, or month by month. Who is it that is keeping us from achieving the excellence that we need to ascend to? Yup, you are correct! Satan wants to kill, steal, and destroy (John 10:10). We must be the good shepherds in everything that we do, people we speak to, the companies we work for, and whatever God (yes, I said GOD) leads us to. Why would we wander off the path that God our father has predestined for us? If we do not have a clear understanding of what excellence is, we will miss out on it or we will not be able to pursue it. We need to leave our hearts open for the Word in order for us to reach the excellence He has in store for us. God has us in the place we are now as God has His hand on us.
Have a heart that is burning to learn the Word, walk with God, pray in uninterrupted time. Give Him what is rightfully His and allow Him to work. God does not want us to fail in anything. We may go through trials and may ask him, “Why, God?”. Remember, God has us learn from everything we do so that we can walk with excellence, grow our faith, and do kingdom work. We cannot set a limit as to what He will have us do but our Father, Yeshua, has a plan for us.
We may face things that we do not understand like sickness, falling out with family or friends, losing jobs, cars, homes, relationships, or not have the job that WE want. I want to emphasize the “WE”. When we, our flesh, us being humans think that we can do it on our own or even better yet, we have started our own business, we go through relationships left and right, or whatever because we never asked God for this but we did it on our own. Who then has set your walk-in life and in eternity? We must remember we have the will to choose what we do and what we believe. Why would you think or assume that you have done it all? God blesses and He takes away (Job 1:21). We can take all the blessings that God has in store for us and the riches that we will never know because we stockpiled all the material things we have on earth. Be wise in what you speak and seek.
Do not be tempted to walk in the darkness. Stay away from it and never crack the door or open that window as you will allow the darkness to come in. Walking as a Christ-minded person does not mean that we can test the flesh and walk with the world. What will you allow to lead your life if it is not Christ? We cannot open ourselves to the dark. Look at your heart and see what is keeping you from His presence.
Do you think that God told all His children to do it on their own? God looks to our hearts in hopes of finding His children. We can think or assume that we have done it all on our own but are you full of love, full of happiness, full of the spirit? I can honestly say that nothing I ever did had me filled until I released everything to God and asked Him to come on and help me, grow me, and let me walk in excellence.
I ask you, have you asked God to help you understand? Have you asked Him to come into your life and work in you what nobody else can? Have you asked Him to fill your life with joy and remove all that is bad? Our hearts want more than we as humans can fill. We may go through our own journey but at what time will you reach out, knock on the door or open it, and ask Him to come in? Lord, I ask you to help me understand in my heart, mind, and soul. I am desperate for your touch, to hear your Word, to feel the peace that only you can give me/us. If you can have one thing between knowing all the information in the world, would you want that or would you choose to have a heart like Christ? I would choose Christ.
Without living in God how can we walk in excellence or even know what is good for us? We must always remember that quoting scripture, saying we read the bible, or even that we go in and out of church is not enough. Who else can quote scripture or say he knows the word? Satan could do all this and as a matter of fact, Hitler could also do the same. Where the men of God? No, they are the complete opposite but what did they try to do? The exact same thing that comes up every time you think of it…. kill, steal, and destroy.
Love God! I know that this is something that will give us knowledge, give us wisdom, and fulfill our hearts with happiness and joy. If we allow this then we will have something special, exciting, wonderful, and be alive in Him as God is with us.
Again, I say to you: Be wise in what you speak and seek. Do not be tempted to walk in the darkness. Stay away from it and never crack the door or open that window as you will allow the darkness to come in. Walking as a Christ-minded person does not mean that we can test the flesh and walk with the world. What will you allow to lead your life if it is not Christ? We cannot open ourselves to the dark. Look at your heart and see what is keeping you from His presence.
Lord, I open everything as you already know everything, and we cannot hide anything from you. I want to know your face and your touch. I open my heart to receive you and want to feel your touch. Fill my heart oh Lord. All my life, everything I have done is in your hands, Lord. Do not allow me to go astray and be lost, Lord. Let me remember all your commandments and stay in your presence and walk with EXCELLENCE. Lord come in and fill me, I open the door and ask you to come in and lead me in everything I do. Keep me in your presence so I may stay walking in excellence. I thank you Father for all you have done and continue to do.
Remember that we as His children can have eternity through our Heavenly Father.